
Thanks for donations!

I have been amazed and humbled by the orphanage donations we’ve been given by our friends.

We have a big stack of clothes, books, toothpaste, toothbrushes and toys.  We have a nice chunk of money.

I can’t wait to take it to those little kids!!

Today after church, I picked up a bunch of stuff from the Relief Society room and took it to my car. (Relief Society is the women’s organization….primary for kids, young men and young women for teens.) Pierce was very excited to play with the toys, but I explained they were for the orphanage in Ethiopia that his sister is coming from. I told him how the kids don’t have much there and how excited they would be for new toys.

He listened and then said, “Maybe I can give them one of my cars to play with so some little boy can have a  car.”

I am so thankful for all of you that have so generously given. I’m thankful for the kindness in people’s hearts to help children they have never (or will never) see. I’m thankful that you’re setting the loving example for my little 5-year-old boy.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.