
Walking Work Out!

Here’s a great (read evil and mean) walking workout for a treadmill. If your elevations are different, adjust to what you can. Elevation at a 3 is just slightly uphill. A 12 is pretty steep.  Good luck!

Keep your speed at 3.5…if you’re already in shape keep it at 4.

0-5 min…elevation at 3.

5-7 min…elevation at 9.

7-8 min…elevation at 5.

8-10 min…elevation at 10.

10-11 min…elevation at 6.

11-13 min…elevation at 12.

13-14 min…elevation at 10.

14-15 min…elevation at 12.

15-20 min…elevation at 3.

p.s. Did you know a treadmill used to be a torture device? Guess some things just don’t change.