
Got the Tree Up!

So we were just sitting around last night right before kids’ bedtimes and dh pulled out his latest new toy, LCD Christmas tree lights. He plugged them in and they were BRIGHT! After teasing him for a few minutes, I told him he might as well get out our tree and put the lights on, to see how they look (he got 5 strands). Didn’t take him long to go flyin’ out the door!  😀  Our dd was right behind him; ds1 had to wait inside, since it was pretty cold and he was barefoot–kid hates socks.

Normally we wait until the day after Thanksgiving…I guess we’re a little more anxious than we thought. It probably has something to do with the early (for us) shopping we did over the weekend. He wants to put up a few more strands (he loves his tree loaded) then we’ll finish up with the decorations. We got the stocking stand up, too, since we don’t have a fireplace. I love the holidays 🙂