
What I Want for Christmas…

I’d like the kitten to stop climbing the tree and knocking off lights and ornaments.

I’d like to get the new water heater and boiler out of my kitchen.

I’d like to sit for 30 minutes and paint ornaments without interruption.

I’d like to put the presents under the tree without worrying about the kitten and dog making chew toys out of them.

I’d like the laundry to do itself.

I’d like the bedroom to clean itself.

I’d like grocery shopping and cooking to do themselves.

I’d like Santa to take off these last pounds of “baby weight” for me.

I’d like for all the cookies I’ve been making to be calorie-free.

I’d like to have our addition finished so we can get the new boiler and water heater out of my kitchen.

I’d like to have our addition finished so we can have our new closets so we can clean our bedroom better.

I’d like to not stress about any of the above ๐Ÿ˜€