

Today I started teaching Pierce how to write his name. We’re starting easy, just the first 2 letters, and adding a letter a day. I forgot how challenging it can be to teach a kid something so simple! I’m not the type of person who pushes very early education…I think kids need opportunities to learn but they need to have time to still just...

March 14, 2010

Application/Agency Number 2!!

So thanks for the well-wishes and prayers. I think it worked 🙂 I found another agency, whose time line is quite a bit faster than the first one. I called to make sure they accept Mormons and I got a chance to ask a number of questions. The woman that I spoke to was super friendly and knowledgeable and didn’t seem annoyed at all...

March 12, 2010


We finally received word from the agency we chose. We were denied. They said the group they work with in Ethiopia does not accept applications from Mormons. They have the right to decide of course, but with so many children that need a home, I don’t think it’s right to base a decision by a church the applicant belongs to. So we did a...

March 10, 2010

Interesting Things in Interesting Places…

We’ve taught our kids when they’re done with a dish, to load it in the dishwasher. As soon as they understand language, that’s one thing they learn. Same with throwing trash in the trash can. Dean loves watching me do laundry. He loves throwing clothes in the washer. So today our darling 21-month-old decided to put a few ideas together. He put a couple...

March 4, 2010

Big Week!

So this week is gonna be a little….interesting. Life should be taking a turn, in every area of life. We’re hoping to hear back from the Agency we were interested in adopting through. I hope to hear they’ve accepted our application and we can move on to phase 2 (of a million). Paul got a new position in church, one with more responsibility. He’s...

March 2, 2010

Good Question!!

I was sent this email and thought it was funny, so I had to share 🙂 Don’t sweat the petty things and don’t pet the sweaty things. I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman, “Where’s the self help section?”  She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose. What if there were no hypothetical questions? If a deaf child signs...

February 24, 2010

Bleach is Good…

…for my headache, apparently. Bleached the shower, headache went away! Guess the braincells I killed were the ones hurtin’…guess I should be careful how often I do that. #35

February 19, 2010

So Tired of sNOOOw!

Yes, I’m going to discuss the weather. If you’ve watched the news lately, you’ve noticed that it’s been snowing a bit here on the east coast. And by “a bit” I really mean WAY TOO MUCH.  We’ve had 2 big storms and lots of flurry days. I just feel sorry for our chickens. Normally they get to go out in their yard, but with...

February 17, 2010

BIG News!

So after much thought, prayers and consideration, Paul and I have decided that we’re going to adopt! We don’t feel our family is complete quite yet and trying-to-conceive hasn’t worked out. We’re in the process of picking an agency and we’re just hoping and praying we get accepted and can be on-the-way through the process soon. It’ll take a while, a “hurry up and...

February 1, 2010

What a Week!!

A week ago (on Sunday) I found out my best friend’s mom had passed away from cancer. The funeral was to be held in Utah and I knew I had to go.  So Tuesday (at 3am) I left for Utah.  My bff and I have been friends since we were 6…I’m not gonna do the math, but it’s been a long time…almost our whole...

December 14, 2009