I’m a Princess!

I was over at Small Town Mommy and read her post about a quiz about which Disney princess she was…so I had to try it out ๐Ÿ˜€ Yeah, it’s cheesy, but it’s cute. So if you’re brave (and cheesy enough) try it out and let me know who you are! LINK Btw, here’s what mine turned out to be. Pocahontas, the beautiful daughter of...

January 6, 2009

Need Diapers?

First, no, this is not a paid post. It’s something we do that I want to share. Paul and I order diapers for our kids from www.diapers.com, an online (obviously) place. That way I don’t have to worry about boxes taking up space in the cart or carrying them.ย  They’ve got formula and all kinds of other baby stuff, too, so it’s really convenient....

January 5, 2009

It’s Called “Mommy Brain.”

First it’s called “pregnancy brain”…the cells in the brain actually shrink a bit. Then that goes away and the brain is devoted to what’s in the diaper bag….plenty of diapers, wipes, burpy cloths, bib, toys, formula adequate for enough feedings plus an extra just in case, bottles, water, tylenol, gas drops, tissues enough for 3 kids, cars for the 3 yr old, snacks for...

January 3, 2009

I’d Swear I Have the Weirdest Dreams!!

Ever since I was a kid, I’ve had the strangest dreams. One recurring dream I had as a kid was in the house I grew up in. We had a very long drive way and were driving toward the house. We had a pond, and I decided I would walk from the pond to the house. The dogs were playing in it so I...

January 2, 2009

January First!

The first day of another new year. Love it ๐Ÿ™‚ Last night we had friends over. They’re about our ages with 5 cute little kids (and she’s pg with the 6th) ages 8 to 2. It was not the quietest night we’ve had, but it was tons of fun. We had all the usual party foods (chips and dip, crackers and cheese, fruit and...

January 1, 2009

Doggie Update

My dd and a friend are doing an AEP (advanced enrichment program) project together this year for school…their subject is the local animal shelter/pound. So today the girl and her mom and dd and I went to the shelter to get information and statistics. While we were there, I told the lady we were interviewing about the dog we picked up and asked for...

December 31, 2008

Apparently Not Complicated Enough…

I’ve noticed that just when life begins to settle down a bit, something happens to complicate it. My husband was coming home last night and saw a dog wandering around near his work. He drove past it to come home, but that twinge ofย  “aw, poor thing” went through his head and he turned around and picked it up. The area where he found...

December 30, 2008

A New New Year!

I have to admit, 2008 has been good to us. We had a healthy baby boy, traded our 2 older cars for a new one and a newer-used one, and are now adding on to our home. But I’m looking forward to 2009. It’s always fun for me to look forward to all the birthdays holidays all over again. This year we’re planning on...

December 28, 2008

What an Amazing Thing…

I found this in an email, then checked it out on Snopes…true story. Beautiful but kinda tear-jerky. This is at the Arlington National Cemetery. Check out the link if you want to read more. “Readers may be interested to know that these wreaths — some 5,000 — are donated by the Worcester Wreath Co. of Harrington , Maine . The owner, Merrill Worcester, not...

December 28, 2008