General Life

Down with PETA!!!

Ok, another “Are you kidding me???” moment! This one is serious though. I was totally shocked and appalled at the hypocracy of PETA, a supposed animal-saving organization. Read this. I’m not much of a soapbox person, but really, this is one of those moments. News of this needs to be spread. Something’s got to be done. This needs to be brought out in the...

October 12, 2008

Sad Stuff Yesterday.

This week I got news of a man in church that had passed away. He was only 62 but developed severe Alzheimer’s. He was a very generous, kind, happy-go-lucky man and at the end was nothing like his former self. I bawled at the funeral, not because I knew him well, but because it’s sad to see someone like that go. But I guess...

October 12, 2008

Childhood Memories.

I’ve been reading some pretty funny stuff from my friends on my blogroll (shameless?) so I thought I’d share some things I did as a kid. I’m the youngest of 5 and we grew up in a very big house. The front foyer was totally open, so it was 2 stories. In that room was a staircase that split off to 2 sides of...

October 6, 2008

Seriously Funny.

When I do Entrecard and go to blogs, yes, I do always read. I try to comment as much as possible…I guess I just enjoy sharing my opinion with total strangers 😀 So this morning when I was dropping I found something truly hysterical. I’ve been to this one blog before…Blue Monkey Butt… and what first caught my attention was the name. It was...

October 5, 2008

A Conference Talk.

During LDS church General Conference yesterday, one of the men who spoke said something I really liked. As a kid, he came home from from a football game; his team lost and he was upset. He told his mom, looking for sympathy, and she told him, “Come what may, and love it.” Over the years he’s come to understand that statement. It doesn’t mean...

October 5, 2008

Server Crashed!

Our server crashed…it had the blogs on it (mine and my husband’s). Nice, huh?? So there was some stuff that got permanantly wiped off, even though dh had it on backup. One of those things was comments. So if you notice your comment isn’t where it should be, I apologize. I really appreciate and value what you have to say and I’m disappointed some...

October 4, 2008

Cozy Pajamas and Thick Quilts.

A finally gave in and pulled the quilts out of the closet. I love the quilt season, just hate the snow that inevitably follows autumn. Our leaves are turning colors nicely and the air is beginning to have that crispness to it. We put some of our pumpkins on the front porch and our neighbor came by today with some corn stalks complete the...

October 4, 2008

Well, I’m Amused.

I was in the mood for a laugh, so I looked up some funny stuff. I took the following off Funny Sayings and Quotes. Hope it amuses you, too 🙂 Perspective is in the eye of the beholder. Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society. Do not use a hatchet to remove a fly from your friend’s forehead....

October 2, 2008