Kids & Family

Biggest Tantrum EVER!

My dd was picked (she had to audition) for all-county band (for school) a few weeks ago. So on Tuesdays, I pick her up from school, take her to band practice, go grocery shopping, pick her up and on 2 Tuesdays a month, take her to church for activities. She has a couple friends from church at band and I told her she could...

March 18, 2009

Weird and We Have a Crawler!!

Ok, 2 things today. Last night, dh got an IM from someone he didn’t know. It said, “u gonna pick up a bottle i’m ready.” So we were coming up with things it could be about…his mind went to a baby. “You gonna pick up the bottle (I left downstairs) I’m ready (with the baby, he’s hungry)” I thought a romantic dinner. “You gonna...

March 12, 2009

I Made the Krispies!

Remember the jumbo rice krispies I bought a few days ago? I made krispie treats last night. I only did 2 cups of jumbos and then 4 cups of regular ones. I wanted to save some of the jumbos for the boys so I didn’t use the full 6 cups. Anyway, they turned out good. A little sweeter than the normal ones and they...

February 28, 2009

It’s Official…I AM Crazy.

We’re planning our summer vacation trip. Yeah, we have to plan now because my parents and a brother/his family want to go to Nauvoo, IL on our way back from Wyoming/Utah (where all my family lives, where our main vacation will be).  So they have to get time off from work to plan the Nauvoo trip, so that’s why we’re looking at dates now....

February 25, 2009

Jumbo Rice Krispies

I don’t do reviews or anything like that, since I started this for my family and for fun. But, I did buy something you need to check out. The new Jumbo Rice Krispies. I got them for the baby as a snack…baby food snacks are so expensive. I opened them up when we got home from the store and of course had to try...

February 24, 2009

I’ve Heard This Happens…

I’ve heard stories of toddlers touching their mom’s tummy and saying, “baby!” then the mom finds out she’s pregnant a couple weeks later. I’ve also heard of toddlers knowing what a baby will be before it’s born…like they have a 6th sense about it. Happened to a friend of mine…her kid was right about the next 3. Recently, Pierce has been saying he wants...

February 19, 2009

A Night at Gabby Spas!

Sunday, coming home from church, my dd told me she thought it would be nice to treat her dad to a back rub that night. My husband loves massages of any kind, so I knew he’d go for it in a heartbeat. When we got home, she told me she wanted to turn the living room into a spa room. I said no, the...

February 17, 2009

Octuplets after 6 Kids?

I’m sure you’ve heard about the woman who recently had octuplets after having 6 kids, all under 8 yrs old, 2 with disabilities. Yep, 14 kids. At first, I thought, wow, she can handle all that? More power to her! Then I heard the rest of the story…she’s single, living with her parents and has no job. She said she’s not receiving government help,...

Daughter Drama.

We’re moved into the new master bedroom/closets now, 90% anyway…dh has to get his dresser down and we just have to clean up a bit. He got the curtains hung and they look great. So exciting! Now to my main thought… I’m really surprised how focused kids are at my dd’s age (11) on themselves and their small view of the world. Naturally, it’s...

February 4, 2009

7 Years Ago…

Was when dh and I got married! Yep, today is our 7th year anniversary. 2-2-2002. We thought that would be an easy/fun date to remember. If the carpet comes today, we’ll be spending our evening moving into our new bedroom. If not, I guess it’ll be a regular day.  He is taking today and tomorrow off work just in case we want to go...

February 2, 2009